Here is some news on how the footbridge proposal at Shoreline is progressing …
From Paul Gazonne, Senior Development Officer, DevelopmentWA :
‘In relation to the proposed pedestrian bridge, since I presented to the Community Group, we have completed the remediation and earthworks to our Stage 4 land between Bennett Avenue and the Freight Rail Line (photo attached). These works are significant and have prepared the land for the future public open space and apartment sites earmarked for Stage 4. The marketing sign you mentioned had to be removed due to these works and the need to clear the entire area.
‘As I have mentioned before, the pedestrian bridge forms part of the City of Cockburn’s Development Contribution Plan 13 (DCP 13). It is part of a greater community infrastructure item known as ‘Cockburn Coast Foreshore Management Plan’ under DCP 13. The City of Cockburn manage DCP 13 and its implementation and therefore you will need to consult with the City in regard to timing of the bridge or any other works under the DCP.
‘DevelopmentWA is investing heavily in enabling the future public open space and preparing the land where the bridge is proposed. We have advance detailed design of the bridge to a point and are currently working through a number of constraints with the City. As the bridge crosses the railway corridor and lands on CY O’Connor Beach, which is the subject of ongoing coastal erosion, there are many complexities to be worked through. We are also currently undertaking landscape detailed design work for the future public open space at the base of the bridge.
‘Unfortunately I cannot provide you advice on timing, however I hope the above update is beneficial.’