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Green Spaces in Shoreline

Update on Shoreline Public Open Space Provision, (Green Spaces)

Representatives from the South Beach Community Group met with representatives from the City of Cockburn, (CoC) 2/3/23 to discuss and express community concern and dissatisfaction at the delays in the provision of the allocated and proposed public open spaces within the Shoreline Development residential area.


Shoreline owners and residents are still waiting for their promised green spaces. They had been assured that these were imminent and would be provided within a reasonable time period. In addition to this, residents are enduring dust and noise from extended and unreasonably long construction activities.


The only completed public/green spaces are the storm water collection areas. And there’s no significant green space to facilitate activities like ball games, picnics, family gatherings, etc. within the area at all.

Additional green spaces shown on current plans for the area are :

  1. The Oval at the end of Bennet St

  2. At the eastern access to the proposed over rail bridge off Bennet St

  3. On the eastern side/adjacent to the sewage pumping station.

Most of the provision of these spaces is the responsibility of the developer/owner of that particular piece of land, and is only required to be undertaken and completed once physical development of that piece of land occurs.

Going Forward

  1. The development and provision of the Oval at the end of Bennet St is the direct responsibility of the City of Cockburn, and this project will not be undertaken until the land purchase is completed by the council. This is currently budgeted for in 2024/2025. If the land purchase goes ahead as planned, then the CoC would then have to raise an additional budget to complete the work to develop the Oval itself.

  2. Development WA are the responsible developer for the area on the eastern access side of the proposed overhead rail bridge. Associated with this area is additional open space that is not actually included in the area development provision requirement for public open space as it’s a remediated contaminated site. So this could provide additional public/green open space. As there’s no residential development planned or allocated for this area, there should be no reason why the completion of this particular green space could not now be undertaken and completed. The City of Cockburn have indicated they will seek to try to progress this with Development WA, who are the primary developer within Shoreline, expressing to their representatives the concerns and issues being experienced by owners and residents in the area.

  3. With regards to the green space on the eastern side/adjacent to the sewage pumping station. There’s no development plans submitted for this area yet, so what any green space would look like there is not known.

SBCG representatives will plan to also lobby Development WA on this issue. We strongly encourage all owners and residents in the Shoreline residential area to contact and lobby Development WA on this issue too.

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