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The ‘Extra Name’ Option Survey Result

You’ll remember last month we informed you that City of Cockburn were planning to undertake an independent community consultation of North Coogee residents in order to formally confirm support for the name change to South Beach. And in order to do this City of Cockburn required three survey options to choose from – ‘Become South Beach’, ‘Remain North Coogee’, and an extra choice of either of the two names we proposed being ‘Nara Beach’ or ‘Catherine Point’. You voted that extra survey option could be Nara Beach with 63% preference, Catherine Point with 37%.

We’re very grateful that you all took the time to participate in the survey. What was clearly evident, and duly noted, is the significant commentary from consultation participants that ‘South Beach’ is by far and away the preferred and desired suburb name.

Once the results were in we relayed all the info back to City of Cockburn. South Beach Community Group committee members attended a recent meeting with both City of Cockburn and Landgate. There we learnt that City of Cockburn are now unwilling to undertake the time and expense of conducting an independent community consultation without there being ‘agreement in principle’ from Landgate that the name change proposal is accepted. Landgate are still not on board with our suburb being changed to ‘South Beach’.

However, the City of Cockburn have agreed to budget funds for the survey in this financial year and the following financial year if or when an ‘agreement in principle’ can achieved with Landgate. This is still being progressed jointly between the Port Coogee Community Association and our SBCG. Of course we’ll keep you up date with progress ASAP.

South Beach Community Group have not given up on the South Beach suburb name believing it to be the most appropriate, identifiable, community desired name, and it being compliant to Landgate naming policy.

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