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Top Recognition for our Community

The City of Cockburn was a finalist in two categories of the 2022 Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) WA Planning Excellence Awards. It was a finalist in the Climate Change and Resilience category for its Climate Change Strategy. And along with DevelopmentWA, it was a joint finalist in the Improving Planning Processes category for the Salt Lane residential project at Shoreline, North Coogee.

Salt Lane

Salt Lane in North Coogee was recognised as a high-quality medium-density residential development that prevents urban sprawl by meeting a growing demand for affordable, compact homes positioned near public transport and sought-after lifestyle locations.

Beginning with a series of design workshops in 2017, Development WA and the City worked collaboratively with key project partners to investigate options for the project before starting the detailed planning and design process.

The City was a key enabler of the project’s ultimate design. It amended its Local Planning Policy to include the new Mixed Residential Typology built form, and approved a Local Development Plan to achieve planning approvals and building permits for the unique proposal at a time when the State had no medium density code in place.

This work has played an important role in the development of the draft Medium Density Code being developed by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, and is expected to be rolled out in its final form in 2023.

Project partners included the Australian Urban Design Research Centre as facilitator, the Office of the Government Architect WA and the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage along with design consultants, builders and developers.

Its unique ‘demonstration through innovation’ model has inspired the design of adjoining private sector developments at the walkable coastal village.

The development incorporates 31 architecturally-designed sustainable terrace homes and utilises shared access streets featuring soft landscaping with a pedestrian-friendly focus that promotes slow traffic.

Salt Lane will ultimately cater for 171 homes on a 1.61ha land parcel.

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